Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Unix Commands for Websphere Administrator

1.Remove files
2.Find files
3.View files
5.Network Commands
6.Change Owner
7.Tar commands
8.Unix Function to restart WAS

Remove files

rm -f *.log will remove all files ending with .log
rm -rf * will be used to  delete directories

Finding files

find . -type f -name *.log is used to find files
find . -type d -name server1 is used to search for directories

Viewing files

cat test.txt

Performance in AIX

sar-system activity recorder
vmstat-virtual memory statistics
iostat-input output statistics
pstat-paging size statistics

Network Commands

ifconfig -a -To know status of ethernet

Change owner of a file

chown ora11gr2 system.log - Change the ownership of file named system.log to ora11gr2>

Used to reduce the size

tar -cvf mytar.tar * -This will create a tar named mytar.tar with all directories and files included in current directory
f-file name
tar -xvf mytar.tar -This will extract the tar
If you want to extract a tar in different path then use the below command in the path where you want it to be extracted
tar -xvf /tmp/mytar.tar
tar -tvf mytar.tar -This is used to view the content of a tar without extracting.
If you want to add some extra files or directories use the below command
tar -rvf mytar.tar extra.Here extra is a directory or file

Function to start and stop the server

function restart()
cd $was_profile/bin
./ server1
sleep 5
./ server1
Add these lines to .profile of users home directory.
Execute the .profile using the command like . ./.profile
Then whenever you type restart anywhere in the unix server WAS will be restarted
You can add dmgr stop and start service also in the function so that each time no need to navigate to the path and issue the command

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