Saturday, June 6, 2015

Enable and restore Checkpoints in Websphere 8.5

Checkpoint is a new feature introduced in WAS 8.5.It will be used to restore the data if  we committed the data wrongly.

Two types of checkpoint one is Delta and other is Full.

Full Checkpoint will backup all your respository and it has to be done manually.

Delta checkpoint will  be created automatically once you enable it ,and it will backup only the configuration changes made at the last time.

Checkpoint depth is used to limit how many backup is allowed .Once it crossed the limit it will delete the old backup automatically.

Once you have enabled delta checkpoint you can see under Repository Checkpoints a checkpoint has been created.

To check how it works I deleted a server and saved it to master repository.And I restore it back by selecting the latest checkpoint available in repository.
And it worked the deleted server has been restored.It may ask you to logout of the console to refresh the workspace.And if multiple people working on the console at the same time then the changes made by others will conflict and it will not be saved.

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