Download the Installation Manager zip file from IBM site.
Will explain the steps first and give a script to automate this.
unzip the files in desired location.
Edit the install.xml to define the preferred location during silent install.
Original install.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
<repository location='.'/>
<offering features='agent_core,agent_jre' id='' version='1.6.2000.20130301_2248'/>
Modified File:
<agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
<profile id='IBM Installation Manager' kind='self'>
<data key='installLocation' value='/websphere8.5/InstallationManager/eclipse'/>
<repository location='.'/>
<offering profile='IBM Installation Manager' features='agent_core,agent_jre' id='' version='1.6.2000.20130301_2248'/>
The below lines has been added
<profile id='IBM Installation Manager' kind='self'>
<data key='installLocation' value='/websphere_8/InstallManager/eclipse'/>
And also in offering attribute profile='IBM Installation Manager' is added
Now execute the below command to do silent install of IBM installation Manager
./installc -log /tmp/install.txt -sP -acceptLicense
25% 50% 75% 100%
Installed to the<mentioned directory in install.xml>
cat /tmp/install.txt should contain the following lines if installation is successfull
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Shell script to automate the above steps:
cd <IIM agent path>
unzip agent*.zip
sed -i "2 a\<profile id='IBM Installation Manager' kind='self'>" install.xml
sed -i "3 a\<data key='installLocation' value='/websphere8.5/InstallationManager/eclipse'/>" install.xml
sed -i "4 a\</profile>" install.xml
/installc -log /tmp/install.txt -sP -acceptLicense
Will explain the steps first and give a script to automate this.
unzip the files in desired location.
Edit the install.xml to define the preferred location during silent install.
Original install.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
<repository location='.'/>
<offering features='agent_core,agent_jre' id='' version='1.6.2000.20130301_2248'/>
Modified File:
<agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
<profile id='IBM Installation Manager' kind='self'>
<data key='installLocation' value='/websphere8.5/InstallationManager/eclipse'/>
<repository location='.'/>
<offering profile='IBM Installation Manager' features='agent_core,agent_jre' id='' version='1.6.2000.20130301_2248'/>
The below lines has been added
<profile id='IBM Installation Manager' kind='self'>
<data key='installLocation' value='/websphere_8/InstallManager/eclipse'/>
And also in offering attribute profile='IBM Installation Manager' is added
Now execute the below command to do silent install of IBM installation Manager
./installc -log /tmp/install.txt -sP -acceptLicense
25% 50% 75% 100%
Installed to the<mentioned directory in install.xml>
cat /tmp/install.txt should contain the following lines if installation is successfull
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Shell script to automate the above steps:
cd <IIM agent path>
unzip agent*.zip
sed -i "2 a\<profile id='IBM Installation Manager' kind='self'>" install.xml
sed -i "3 a\<data key='installLocation' value='/websphere8.5/InstallationManager/eclipse'/>" install.xml
sed -i "4 a\</profile>" install.xml
/installc -log /tmp/install.txt -sP -acceptLicense