Thursday, March 27, 2014

Viewing activity log using showlog command

GO to $profile_root/bin

Use the below command to conver binary activity log to viewable one.

./  <activity.log path>  <path where you wanted to place new log>

ex:./ ./logsactivity.log    /tmp/activity.log

SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /ibm/console has not been defined

The above error will be there in SystemOut logs when admin console of Websphere is not able to access.The reason is isclite.ear might be corrupted or manul port change would have caused the issue.

To solve the issue please reinstall isclite.ear using the below commands

Uninstall :

$profile_root/bin/ -lang jython -f remove

 $profile_root/bin/ -lang jython -f install

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Caused by: CWWIM4520E The 'javax.naming.NamingException: [LDAP: error code 80 - Other]

If the above error is seen in Sysout logs of WAS please check LDAP is up and running fine.

80     LDAP_OTHER   Indicates an unknown error condition. This is the default value for NDS error codes which do not map to other LDAP error codes