Thursday, August 8, 2013

HPEL logging websphere

High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) is a new log and trace facility. It provides a convenient
mechanism for storing and accessing log, trace, System.err, and System.out information produced by the application server or applications. It is an alternative to the basic log and trace facility, which provides the JVM logs, diagnostic trace, and service log files commonly named SystemOut.log/SystemErr.log, trace.log, andactivity.log. HPEL provides a log data repository, a trace data repository, and a text log file. 
Enable HPEL and configuring using adminconsole:
1.    Go to Troubleshooting and Logs and Trace.
2.Switch to HPEL mode.
3.Configure HPEL logging like path for the logs and trace ,purging time ,maximum log size etc.
4.You can configure trace for the logic you wanted.In the above picture I had configured for connection leak .Once done please save the configuration and do a restart to make it effective.

5.Click on View Hpel logs and trace on the server you want to see  the logs.
6.In HPEL you can filter the log and view only the content you want like only warning,fatal, from startdate  to stopdate etc.This can be done in the adminconsole or using LogViewer command you can view .